Okuma Mill G- en M-codes
Volledige Okuma Mill G- en M-codelijst voor cnc-machinisten die werken aan Okuma cnc-freesmachines.

Okuma-molen OSP-P200M
Okuma Mill G-codes
G-code | Beschrijving |
G00 | Positionering |
G01 | Lineaire interpolatie |
G02 | Circulaire interpolatie – Spiraalvormig snijden (CW) |
G03 | Circulaire interpolatie – Helical Cutting (CCW) |
G04 | Dwell |
G09 | Exacte halte |
G10 | Annuleren van G11 |
G11 | Parallelle en roterende verschuiving van coördinatensysteem |
G14 | Benaming van asnaam |
G15 | Selectie van werkcoördinatensysteem (Modal) |
G16 | Selectie van werkcoördinatensysteem (One-shot) |
G17 | Vlakkeuze:XY |
G18 | Vlakkeuze:ZX |
G19 | Vlakkeuze:YZ |
G20 | Invoerbevestiging |
G21 | Metrische invoerbevestiging |
G22 | Programmeerbare slaglimiet AAN |
G23 | Programmeerbare slaglimiet annuleren |
G30 | Positionering naar thuispositie |
G31 | Skip-functie |
G33 | Niet-gefixeerde cyclus voor draadsnijden |
G37 | Annuleren van G38 |
G38 | Luchtonderbrekingsmodus AAN |
G39 | I-, J-, K-commando's en G39 genegeerd in de hoekcirkelinterpolatie (met vector) |
G40 | Freesradiuscompensatie (G41, G42) annuleren |
G41 | Cutterradiuscompensatie, links |
G42 | Cutterradiuscompensatie, rechts |
G43 | 3D-offset (G44) annuleren |
G44 | 3D-offset AAN |
G50 | Vergroting en verkleining van geometrie annuleren |
G51 | Vergroting en verkleining van geometrie “AAN” |
G53 | Gereedschapslengte offset annuleren |
G54 | Gereedschapslengte offset, X-as |
G55 | Gereedschapslengte offset, Y-as |
G56 | Gereedschapslengte offset, Z-as |
G57 | Gereedschapslengte offset, 4e as |
G58 | Gereedschapslengte offset, 5e as |
G59 | Gereedschapslengte offset, 6e as |
G60 | Eenrichtings positionering |
G61 | Exacte stopmodus AAN |
G62 | Programmeerbare spiegelbeeldmodus |
G64 | Snijmodus AAN |
G68 | Hellingscoördinaat UIT |
G69 | Hellingscoördinaat AAN |
G71 | Aanduiding van retourniveau voor M53 |
G72 | Aanduiding van patroonreferentiepunt (startpositie) voor de coördinatenberekeningsfunctie |
G73 | Vaste cyclus, boorcyclus met hoge snelheid |
G74 | Vaste cyclus, omgekeerde tapcyclus |
G75 | Vaste cyclus; Step &pick-cyclus |
G76 | Vaste cyclus, fijnkotteren |
G79 | Vaste cyclus; Variabele toonhoogtecyclus |
G80 | Vaste cyclus, Modaal annuleren |
G81 | Vaste cyclus; Spot saai |
G82 | Vaste cyclus; Tegenboren |
G83 | Vaste cyclus, diepgatboorcyclus |
G84 | Vaste cyclus, tikcyclus |
G85 | Vaste cyclus, saaie cyclus |
G86 | Vaste cyclus, saaie cyclus |
G87 | Vaste cyclus, trekkottercyclus |
G88 | Vaste cyclus; Kottercyclus met meerdere stappen |
G89 | Vaste cyclus, saaie cyclus |
G90 | Absolute dimensioneringsmodus |
G91 | Incrementele dimensioneringsmodus |
G92 | Instellen van werkcoördinatensysteem |
G93 | Omgekeerde tijdfeed |
G94 | Modus voer per minuut |
G95 | Voeding per omwenteling |
G96 | Instelling lokaal coördinatensysteem |
G97 | Herberekeningsfunctie voor coördinaten |
G100 | Annuleren van macro MODIN-modus geselecteerd door G101 tot G110 |
G101-G110 | G-code macro MODIN-type |
G111-G120 | G-code macro CALL-type |
G130 | Hoge snelheidsregeling UIT |
G131 | Hoge snelheidsregeling AAN |
G133 | Constante perifere snelheidsregeling UIT |
G134 | Constante perifere snelheidsregeling AAN |
G137 | Contourbewerkingsmodus UIT |
G138 | Contourbewerkingsmodus AAN |
G139 | G00 speciale lineaire interpolatie UIT |
G140 | G00 speciale lineaire interpolatie AAN |
G141 | Groefsteken UIT |
G142 | Groefsteken AAN |
G143 | Commando positie draaias (onder controle van draaias door Super hi-NC) |
G145 | Terugkeermodus patroonreferentiepunt |
G146 | Terugkeermodus patrooneindpunt |
G147 | Opdracht positie machinecoördinatensysteem |
G148 | Snijfunctie uitschakelen |
G149 | Snijfunctie inschakelen |
G150 | Automatische acceleratie/deceleratie AAN |
G151 | Automatische acceleratie/deceleratie annuleren |
G152 | Automatische acceleratie |
G153 | Automatische vertraging |
G154 | Spilbaanregeling UIT |
G155 | Spindelbaanregeling AAN |
G159 | In-position check uitschakelen commando |
G164 | Continue cirkelbeweging stopcommando bij draaiende snede |
G165 | Continue cirkelbeweging (CW) startcommando in draaiende snede |
G166 | Continue cirkelbeweging (CCW) startcommando in draaiende snede |
G167 | Draaitafel en spindelbesturing UIT |
G168 | Draaitafel en spindelbesturing AAN |
G169 | Gereedschapslengte-offset bij snijkant AAN |
G170 | Gereedschapslengte-offset bij snijkant en in axiale richting opheffen |
G171 | Gereedschapslengte offset in axiale richting AAN |
G174 | Cilindrisch zijsnijden “UIT” |
G175 | Cilindrisch zijsnijden “AAN” |
G176 | F-, S-codes negeren annuleren |
G177 | F-, S-codes negeren |
G178 | Vaste draadsnijcyclus in de richting van de 1e as op een vlak |
G179 | Vaste draadsnijcyclus in de richting van de 2e as op een vlak |
G180 | Rotatieoffset bijlagen annuleren |
G181 | Rotatie-offset hulpstukken; Vooruit|
G182 | Rotatie-offset hulpstukken; Links|
G183 | Rotatie-offset hulpstukken; Achteruit|
G184 | Rotatie-offset hulpstuk; Rechts|
G185 | Rotatie-offset hulpstukken; Naar beneden|
G186 | Tolerantiecontrolemodus annuleren |
G187 | Tolerantiecontrolemodus "AAN" |
G188 | 2e gereedschapslengte offset annuleren |
G189 | 2e gereedschapslengte-offset AAN |
G192 | Vaste cyclus; Detectie bovenoppervlak geannuleerd |
G193 | Vaste cyclus; Detectie bovenoppervlak AAN |
G194 | Vaste cyclus; Detectie van gereedschapsbreuk geannuleerd |
G195 | Vaste cyclus; Detectie van gereedschapsbreuk AAN |
G260 | Spildoorbuigingscompensatie UIT |
G261 | Spildoorbuigingscompensatie AAN |
G266 | Eindschakelaar gecontroleerd |
G267 | Eindschakelaar niet gecontroleerd |
G272 | Vaste cyclus; Tappen van diepe gaten en omgekeerd tappen |
G273 | Vaste cyclus; Snel tappen van diepe gaten en omgekeerd tappen |
G274 | Vaste cyclus; Synchroon tikken, omgekeerd tikken |
G281 | Vaste cyclus; Boren van kleine diameters en diepe gaten |
G282 | Vaste cyclus; Gesynchroniseerd tappen met diepe gaten |
G283 | Vaste cyclus; Gesynchroniseerd tappen met hoge snelheid in diepe gaten |
G284 | Vaste cyclus; Gesynchroniseerd tikken |
G296 | G297 annuleren |
G297 | S command in C-axis mode (S command is regarded as the spindle position.) |
G300 | G301 to G349 macro MODIN cancel (NC. P. B No. 34 bit 3:1) |
G336 | I-MAP-A function; Fixed circle cutting cycle (CW) |
G337 | I-MAP-A function; Fixed circle cutting cycle (CCW) |
G501-G580 | G code macro changeable between MODIN and CALL |
M Code | Beschrijving |
M00 | Program stop |
M01 | Optional stop |
M02 | End of program |
M03 | Work spindle start (CW) |
M04 | Work spindle start (CCW) |
M05 | Spindle stop |
M06 | Vertical spindle tool change |
M07 | Oil mist coolant ON |
M08 | Coolant pump ON |
M09 | Coolant system OFF |
M10 | A-axis clamp |
M11 | A-axis unclamp |
M12 | Chip air blow ON |
M15 | 4th-axis rotary index table CW |
M16 | 4th-axis rotary index table CCW |
M17 | Indexing head index CCW |
M19 | Spindle orientation (forward) |
M20 | B-axis clamp |
M21 | B-axis unclamp |
M22 | Y-axis clamp |
M23 | Y-axis unclamp |
M24 | Z-axis clamp |
M25 | Z-axis unclamp |
M26 | C-axis clamp |
M27 | C-axis unclamp |
M30 | End of tape |
M32 | Splash guard door close |
M33 | Splash guard door open |
M40 | High/middle-high/middle-low/low range |
M41 | High/middle-high/middle-low range |
M42 | High/middle-high range |
M43 | High range |
M44 | AAC (F) 1 Next attachment clear |
M45 | AAC (F) 1 Preparation for attachment change preparation |
M46 | AAC (F) 1 No next attachment |
M47 | AAC (F) 1 No next attachment |
M48 | AAC (T) Next attachment clear |
M49 | AAC (T) Preparation for attachment change preparation |
M50 | Through-the-tool coolant, low pressure ON |
M51 | Through-the-tool coolant, high pressure ON |
M52 | Return level in fixed cycle, Upper limit |
M53 | Return level in fixed cycle, Specified level |
M54 | Return level in fixed cycle, Point R level |
M57 | W-axis clamp |
M58 | W-axis unclamp |
M59 | Chip air blow ON |
M60 | Pallet change command |
M62 | Vertical spindle tool change preparation |
M63 | No next tool for ATC |
M64 | Next tool return cycle |
M65 | ATC preparation |
M66 | Continuous tool change between the vertical and horizontal spindles (same tool) |
M67 | Continuous tool change between the vertical and horizontal spindles (different tool) |
M68 | Vertical spindle tool clamp |
M69 | Vertical spindle tool unclamp |
M70 | Manual tool change |
M71 | Manual attachment tool change |
M72 | Horizontal spindle tool change preparation |
M73 | Swivel head, front position |
M74 | Swivel head, left position |
M75 | Swivel head, rear position |
M76 | Swivel head, right position |
M77 | Horizontal spindle tool change |
M78 | Horizontal spindle tool clamp |
M79 | Horizontal spindle tool unclamp |
M81 | Automatic W-axis positioning 1 |
M82 | Automatic W-axis positioning 2 |
M83 | Automatic W-axis positioning 3 |
M84 | Automatic W-axis positioning 4 |
M85 | Automatic W-axis positioning 5 |
M87 | Oil mist/air blow ON |
M87 | Oil mist/air blow ON |
M88 | Dust collector ON |
M89 | Dust collector OFF |
M90 | Vertical spindle oil mist cycle mode ON |
M91 | Tap-drill hole chip air blow cycle mode ON |
M93 | Thru-spindle coolant at medium pressure/2nd coolant ON |
M94 | Attachment indexing by forward rotation |
M95 | Attachment indexing by reverse rotation |
M98 | Horizontal spindle oil mist cycle mode ON |
M101 | Pallet 1 selection |
M102 | Pallet 2 selection |
M103 | Pallet 3 selection |
M104 | Pallet 4 selection |
M105 | Pallet 5 selection |
M106 | Pallet 6 selection |
M107 | Pallet 7 selection |
M108 | Pallet 8 selection |
M109 | Pallet 9 selection |
M110 | Pallet 10 selection |
M111 | Pallet 11 selection |
M112 | Pallet 12 selection |
M115 | 5th-axis rotary table CW |
M116 | 5th-axis rotary table CCW |
M118 | Spindle orientation (reverse) |
M119 | Spindle orientation (forward/reverse) |
M120 | Work shower ON |
M121 | Attachment air blow ON/Tool nose air blow ON |
M127 | Touch probe ON |
M130 | Spindle rotation condition for cutting feed OFF |
M131 | Spindle rotation condition for cutting feed ON |
M132 | Single block invalid |
M133 | Single block valid |
M134 | Spindle speed override invalid |
M135 | Spindle speed override valid |
M136 | Feedrate override invalid |
M137 | Feedrate override valid |
M138 | Dry run invalid |
M139 | Dry run valid |
M140 | Slide hold invalid |
M141 | Slide hold valid |
M142 | Spindle overload detection invalid |
M143 | Spindle overload detection valid |
M144 | Touch sensor advance |
M145 | Touch sensor retract |
M146 | Work air blow OFF |
M147 | Work air blow ON |
M148 | Work clamp (fixture 1) |
M149 | Work unclamp (fixture 1) |
M150 | Coolant group specification, Vertical spindle |
M151 | Coolant group specification, Horizontal spindle |
M152 | Coolant group specification, 3rd group |
M153 | Coolant group specification, 4th group |
M154 | Sensor air blow OFF |
M155 | Sensor air blow ON |
M157 | AAC (2 st.), No next tool |
M158 | AAC (2 st.), Next tool clear |
M159 | AAC (2 st.), Preparation for the next tool |
M160 | PPC pallet loading |
M161 | PPC pallet unloading |
M163 | Long tool, No next tool |
M165 | Long tool, Preparation for tool change |
M166 | ATC active tool return mode specification |
M170 | AAC (F), Attachment change |
M171 | AAC (T), Attachment change |
M172 | Long tool, Tool change command |
M173 | AAC (2 st.), Attachment change command |
M176 | Dust collection mode, Air blow |
M177 | Angular attachment, Tool change |
M178 | Dust collection mode, ON |
M179 | Dust collection mode, OFF |
M181 | External M signal |
M182 | External M signal |
M183 | External M signal |
M184 | External M signal |
M185 | External M signal |
M186 | External M signal |
M187 | External M signal |
M188 | External M signal |
M190 | Automatic W-axis positioning 1 |
M191 | Automatic W-axis positioning 2 |
M192 | Automatic W-axis positioning 3 |
M193 | Automatic W-axis positioning 4 |
M194 | Automatic W-axis positioning 5 |
M195 | Automatic W-axis positioning 6 |
M196 | Automatic W-axis positioning 7 |
M197 | Automatic W-axis positioning 8 |
M198 | Automatic W-axis positioning 9 |
M199 | Automatic W-axis positioning 10 |
M201-M220 | M code macro |
M230 | Tool length offset direction; Used as it is |
M231 | Tool length offset direction; Used after reversing the direction |
M232 | 3D tool length offset direction; Used as it is |
M233 | 3D tool length offset direction; Reversed and used |
M234 | Synchronized tapping gear selection:Low, Middle low, Middle high, High |
M235 | Synchronized tapping gear selection:Middle low, Middle high, High |
M236 | Synchronized tapping gear selection:Middle high, High |
M237 | Synchronized tapping gear selection:Middle high, High |
M238 | Software override invalid |
M239 | Software override valid |
M278 | Chip conveyor OFF |
M279 | Chip conveyor ON |
M280 | Work counter count up |
M281 | Work clamp (fixture 2) |
M282 | Work unclamp (fixture 2) |
M287 | Work clamp (fixture 3) |
M288 | Work unclamp (fixture 3) |
M289 | Pallet identification |
M292 | Chamfering OFF |
M293 | Chamfering ON |
M294 | Fixed compound cycle; Cutting pattern 1 |
M295 | Fixed compound cycle; Cutting pattern 2 |
M296 | Fixed compound cycle; Cutting pattern 3 |
M297 | Thermal deformation amount transfer command |
M300 | Ignoring Spindle rotation answer |
M301 | Ignoring M code answer other than spindle rotation |
M302 | M301 answer confirmation |
M311 | Robot request 1 |
M312 | Robot request 2 |
M313 | Robot request 3 |
M314 | Robot request 4 |
M315 | U-axis connection OFF |
M316 | U-axis connection ON |
M317 | U-axis air blow OFF |
M318 | U-axis air blow ON |
M319 | Operation time transfer command (DNC-C) |
M320 | Tailstock advance |
M321 | Tailstock retract |
M326 | Synchronized tapping monitor OFF |
M327 | Synchronized tapping monitor ON |
M328 | Spindle no-tool interlock valid |
M329 | Spindle no-tool interlock invalid |
M331 | 6th rotary axis CW |
M332 | 6th rotary axis CCW |
M339 | Thru-spindle air blow ON |
M340 | Work seating monitor ON |
M341 | Work seating monitor OFF |
M342 | Work seating confirmation air ON |
M343 | Work seating confirmation air OFF |
M346 | B-axis rotation interlock valid |
M347 | B-axis rotation interlock invalid |
M351 | AT retraction to MG upper part (MCV-A II simplified 5-face MC) |
M352 | Adaptor retraction to MG upper part (MCV-A II simplified 5-face MC) |
M354 | Chip flusher OFF |
M355 | Chip flusher ON |
M356 | MG pot swing to tool change position |
M368 | Mist collector OFF |
M369 | Mist collector ON |
M374 | Non-contact sensor; Laser OFF |
M375 | Non-contact sensor; Laser ON |
M378 | Coolant flow rate detection; Monitor mode ON |
M379 | Coolant flow rate detection; Monitor mode OFF |
M385 | Work clamp at low pressure (fixture 1) |