Basisprogramma voor CNC-frezen zonder komma
Ingezonden door:Brian

% (Indicates start of program) N005 G90 G70 (Specifies absolute dimensions, inch units) N010 G97 G94 T01 (Specifies units for speed and feed rate; loads first tool) N015 G00 X1000 Y3000 Z250 F0 (Rapid positioning of tool to start point) N020 G01 Z-375 M03 S500 F10 (Turns on spindle, feeds tool to required depth) N025 Y750 (Machines the vertical portion of the L) N030 X2500 (Machines the horizontal portion of the L) N035 Z250 (Retracts tool to 0.25 in above part surface) N040 G00 X-1000 Y-1000 (Moves to safe location at rapid rate) N045 M30 (Turns off all machine functions)
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