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Sinumerik CYCLE95 met Contour in aanroepend programma Voorbeeld

Inzenden door:BEATA



;Siemens Sinumerik CYCLE95 first parameter NPP
;can be given as a sepatate routine or
;can be defined inside calling program with Labels
;stock removal contour is defined in the calling program

N110 G18 G90 G96 F0.8
N120 S500 M3
N130 T1 D1
N140 G0 X140
N150 Z160
N160 CYCLE95("START:END",2.5,0.8,0.8,0,0.8,0.75,0.6,1, , , )
N170 G0 X140 Z160
N175 M02
N180 G1 X20 Z100 F0.6
N190 Z90
N200 Z70 ANG=150
N210 Z50 ANG=135
N220 Z50 X100
N230 M02

CNC machine

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